There’s a web tool called MI-DAS online,
That’ll save you both money and time,
It tracks your stock with precision,
Streamlines sales divisions,
And greatly improves bottom lines!
They talk about the luck of the Irish, but that’s not a school of thought I subscribe to. Instead I’d rather work smarter to get results, rather than depend on ‘luck’.
That’s why I’m building Inventory Management into my already very successful web based sales data visualisation and analysis tool – MI-DAS.
If you would like to optimise any of the following:
- Customer service
- Inventory costs
- Operating costs
You need a tool that integrates seamlessly with your K8 system and that allows you to:
- Resolve the mismatch between supply and demand processes
- Minimise the risk of failure to supply
- Minimise the overall costs in the supply chain
With MI-DAS Inventory Management you will be able to:
- Detect trends and react automatically
- Use correct analysis to save time and money, and get results
- Focus on key KPIs and reduce fire-fighting
If you think that this is something that would benefit your organisation, simply respond to this email, or call me on +44 (0)7428 578341.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!!!