With over 10 years experience, I can definitely help you get the most out of your Kerridge system!
With over 10 years’ experience using Kerridge systems and with the flexibility of being freelance, I can offer you a very responsive and professional solution to your data needs.
Report Writing
You can have your reports that run to the screen, with drilldowns to view further details, or open a customer, sales order or stock item.
Reports can also be set to run automatically, at scheduled intervals to email as a CSV file.
Exception reporting can be performed to create alerts on users’ workplaces to update the exceptions grid to items that may have been forgotten, such as overdue purchase or sales orders, stock items below stock etc.
KPIs and Workplaces
Report writing can be further extended by utilising KPIs. Targets can be set against KPIs and performance tracked and monitored. Results can be displayed on workplaces with drilldowns to view further detail.
Data Importing and Exporting
Data can be imported from or exported to third party systems, such as order imports from your website or a price upload from your supplier. Functionality can be used to improve the intelligence of imports and exports by validating the data as it is brought into your system
MI-DAS – Management Information Dashboard
Of course, if you want to move your information gathering and display to a whole new level, why not look at MI-DAS?
It takes a regular data feed from your system and enables you to see sales performance data at a company, branch or sales rep level as well as being able to see individual customer, product group or product performance.